How To Properly Maintain And Care For Your Hearing Aid
Hearing aids can greatly improve your life, but they also require proper maintenance and care to ensure you gain the full benefit from these special devices. Issues like improper handling, unhygienic practices, and exposure to heat and moisture can impair a hearing aid's ability to properly function. Here are some tips to ensure your hearing aid works properly and you get the most from your hearing aid through its life.
Controlling Ear Wax
Your hearing aid will likely be constantly exposed to earwax. That's simply a byproduct of using your hearing aid everyday. However, this wax can actually end up damaging your hearing aid if it's left unmanaged. This is especially true for receiver-in-the-ear (RITE) and in-the-ear (ITE) hearing aid devices.
These hearing aids and others almost always come with a filter to keep wax from penetrating the device. However, it's still important to clean your device daily, as excessive wax can sometimes overwhelm the protective features for these hearing aids and damage the electronics inside. At the same time, excessive wax can impair the hearing aid from properly functioning by blocking your ability to hear.
Also be aware that these filters should sometimes be replaced if they experience wear and tear, which will help extend the life of your device.
Avoiding Heat and Moisture
Most hearing aids are sensitive to heat and moisture due to the fact that these small devices contain sensitive electronic equipment. That's why you should avoid exposing your device to steam from a shower or bath, heavy rain, or liquids.. It's generally a good idea to never leave your hearing aid in your bathroom due to excessive moisture usually found in bathrooms.
At the same time, leaving your hearing aid in the sun, a parked car, or drying it inside a microwave can also fry the electronics inside your device.
Be sure to check your hearing aid batteries routinely to see if any moisture has made it inside. If so, thoroughly wipe the device and batteries dry, and expose it to a steady stream of warm air. You can also purchase drying and anti-moisture kits that are especially designed for your hearing aid.
Keep Your Hearing Aid Secured
When placing your hearing aids inside your ear, try to do it over carpeting. That means if your hearing aid slips out, it won't likely break when it falls. Be sure to keep your hearing aid secured in its carrying case or your anti-moisture kit when it's not in use.
Watch out for Pets and Children
Finally, be sure to keep your hearing aid out of reach of pets and children. Hearing aids are small devices that a child or pet can quickly swallow, and the batteries inside can pose a serious medical threat. Contact emergency services or bring your pet to the vet if a hearing aid is ingested.
Talk to places like Hear Ear Hearing Aids for more information.