Useful Gifts For People With Cancer

If someone you know or love has cancer, you are probably at your wit's end trying to figure out how you can help. Many other people are probably feeling the same way about them. As a result, the person who has the cancer is probably being bombarded with fruit baskets, unhelpful advice that comes with good intentions, and far more visitors then he or she is really prepared to deal with.

Cancer and chemo can be exhausting, so the best thing you can do is offer some help to relieve that exhaustion or at least to allow your loved one to deal with it and get some rest. Instead of fruit baskets, consider offering one or more of the options listed below:

Day Spa Treatments

Day spas offer a wide range of services, so you may be better off to buy a gift certificate that can cover several of those services and then let your friend choose which ones to use. Offer the certificate with a brochure so they know and understand what some of the selections are.

For example, some day spa treatment centers offer cranio sacral therapy that has some benefits for those dealing with the side effects of cancer and chemotherapy, but your loved one may never had heard of it. Of course, they might opt for something as simple as a massage as well, but it's good for them to have options to choose from.

Time Out with the Kids

If your loved one has children, he or she is probably struggling to be active with them. Going to their home to help out with the kids isn't necessarily a good idea. When someone has cancer, they have to deal with the fact that they don't have much control over the health of their own body.

If someone comes into their home to help with the kids, it may cause them to have more stress to deal with as they realize they have lost some of the control they had as a parent. Instead, take the kids out for a day. They can take a break from the cancer that dominates their home, or they may get to vent to someone who isn't living with it. In the meantime, your loved one can get some guilt-free rest.

Offer to Help with Daily Tasks

Sometimes it is exhausting just to have to do things like go to the post office or drop off the dry cleaning. You can arrange a system so that your loved one gives you a to-do list once or twice a week and you can take care of some of the smaller tasks that can build up.

From cranio sacral therapy to a bit of help with the kids or chores, you can offer your loved one some much needed help in the way of time to heal and rest.

