4 Tips For Dealing With Allergies When They Hit Your Eyes

If your spring allergies seem to be hitting your eyes really hard this year, here are four tips that will help you deal with this irritation as best you can.

#1 Keep Your Hands To Yourself

One of the best things you can do is keep your hands to yourself. Do not touch your eyes or rub them in any way with your hand. Rubbing your eyes may feel like a good idea for some temporary relief, but it is only going to make the problem worse. Rubbing your eyes will irritate them further and cause you more pain, not less, so keep your hands off your eyes.

#2 Keep Your Eyes Moist

One of the reasons that all the pollen in the air irritates your eyes is because they are dry. You can fight back against dry eyes by putting artificial tears in your eyes throughout the day. This will help keep your eyes moist and reduce irritation.

#3 Shower When You Get Home

After you are out and about, take a shower when you get home and know you going to be staying inside for the rest of the evening. This doesn't have to be a long shower if you shower in the morning; a quick rinse will do the job. This will help remove the pollens that are on your body and could be irritating your eye allergies. It is also a good idea to change clothing when you get out of the shower as well so you don't carry pollen throughout your home.

#4 Cover Up Your Eyes

When you go outside, make sure that you are covering up your eyes. Wear sun glasses that are designed to protect you from ultraviolet rays. This will help protect your eyes from the sun and will help keep pollens and allergens out of your eyes. Wearing a hat can also help keep pollen out of your eyes. Protecting your eyes from direct exposure to pollen when outside should help reduce the effects of spring eye allergies.

You can't get rid of your spring eye allergies; however, you can help control them by following the tips above. Make sure that you also keep your home really clean during the spring time so that your home is as safe place for you to get a break from spring allergies. Also, keep an eye on the pollen count and try to limit your time outdoors when the pollen count is particularly high. For more information, contact an allergy specialist such as The Regional Allergy Asthma & Immunology Center, PC.
