Six Mistakes Air Ambulance Passengers Need To Be Aware Of And Avoid

Traveling via air ambulance can be lifesaving in the event of a medical emergency. However, passengers need to be vigilant and aware to prevent complications that could compromise their health during their journey.

The following are six mistakes air ambulance passengers need to be aware of and avoid:

Not preventing pressure change issues

While flying, pressure changes can cause discomfort to air ambulance passengers. Passengers should know how to deal with pressure changes while in flight to minimize the stress of the journey.  

Fortunately, it's easy to minimize the effects of these pressure changes on the body by doing things like swallowing, chewing gum, and yawning.

Ignoring instructions from the on board medical crew

Passengers need to be attentive to any instruction from on board medical crew. Medical crew members will provide instructions that keep everyone safe and comfortable throughout the entire flight.

It's also important that passengers are aware of the fact that they can ask questions to medical crew if there are any issues they are concerned or uncertain about. 

Crossing your legs for long periods of time during the flight

Crossing your legs during the flight is a bad idea because it can cut off your circulation and make it difficult to get up and move around quickly if there is some type of emergency.

Not only should you avoid crossing your legs, but you should also periodically stretch out and move around when possible to stay comfortable and to promote proper circulation. 

Failing to attend to your immune system before being an air ambulance passenger

It's always a good idea to promote overall health before an air ambulance flight and to avoid infection by taking an immune system booster before the flight. This booster should include nutrients that are vital for the immune system like vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. 

Not bringing different layers of clothing to stay comfortable depending on the temperature

It's hard to guess what temperature the interior of the aircraft will be at during an air ambulance flight. It's, therefore, best to bring several layers of clothing when possible so that you can put more clothing on if you're feeling cold or remove clothing if you're overheating. 

Allowing yourself to become dehydrated

Becoming dehydrated during a flight can aggravate any medical condition you're suffering from and lead to prolonged discomfort during the flight.

You can stay hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water and avoiding foods or beverages that cause dehydration like salty foods or sugary carbonated beverages.   
