4 Life Tips For New Prosthetic Eye Wearers
After losing an eye, so many aspects of your life change. You may be really excited to get your prosthetic eye so that you can go out into public and have people look at you normally again. But while prosthetic eyes can be wonderful for patients who have lost an eye, there are a few life challenges that will come up as you adapt to your new eye. Here are four life tips to help you as you encounter such challenges.
1. Bring your patch along
Especially during the first few weeks, there might be times when your eye socket becomes tired and sore from wearing the eye. When this happens, it is so nice to have your eye patch on hand so you can remove your prosthetic and continue on through the day. Most people in your life are probably used to seeing you with a patch already, so they won't second guess it or ask too many questions when you switch back to a patch briefly.
2. Consider taking your eye out at night
After you've had a prosthetic eye for some time, you will probably begin wearing it all night. This is the best way to keep your eye socket supported and strong. However, you should consider taking the eye out at night for the first few weeks you have it. Your doctor can tell you how long to keep up this habit. Removing the eye at first will allow you to adapt to the eye with less discomfort, and it will also let you sleep better -- which will make it easier for you to adapt to having a prosthetic eye emotionally.
3. Wear glasses when playing sports
It's completely okay to run around and play sports with your prosthetic eye in place, but you do need to make sure the eye is protected. Wear a pair of sunglasses or glasses with clear glass lenses. You can also wear goggles if you feel more comfortable doing so. If you swim, also wear goggles so that the pool water does not end up irritating the skin around your prosthetic eye.
4. Carry eye drops with you
It may surprise you to learn that you can get a "dry eye" feeling when wearing a prosthetic eye. If you carry eye drops with you and apply them to the prosthesis as needed, you'll alleviate this discomfort.
Talk to a company like Real Life Faces to learn more about adapting to your prosthesis.