The Basics Of Suboxone Tapering
With opioid addiction becoming a nationwide epidemic and overdoses reaching frightening levels, opioid dependency treatments have taken a spotlight. One of the newest and most effective options is suboxone treatment. For those who are looking to break free of opioid dependency, suboxone allows them to eliminate the withdrawal symptoms without giving them the ability to abuse it for a high as can happen with other medications. However, there are some things you need to know before using this treatment.
Suboxone Is Highly Effective
When it comes to opioid addiction treatment, suboxone is an ideal option because it is highly effective. The unique combination of medications in suboxone will actually turn off the opioid receptors in your brain, eliminating that opioid response that leads to the dependency and abuse of the medication. That means you no longer feel the high that you were getting from the opioids, rendering them pointless to take.
Dependency Can Occur
Suboxone, like any other opiate, can lead to addiction. Over time, users can build up a tolerance to it, leading to addictive behaviors and dependency in order to maintain a productive daily life. For those who take suboxone to eliminate dependency on opioids, this means they have to taper their usage down slowly to wean off of it.
Proper Tapering Leads To Successful Transition
If your suboxone treatment has broken your opioid addiction, and you're ready to start transitioning off the suboxone itself, you should start by talking to your doctor about the best way to taper your dosage.
You'll typically have two options for a tapering schedule. A quick taper will have you off the suboxone in about a month, while a slow taper will take you a few months depending on your dosage.
The quick taper will have you reduce your dosage every four days until you are taking less than .5 milligrams per day. This process will be completed within 21 days. It is effective but can be more difficult if you struggle with any withdrawal symptoms.
A longer tapering schedule allows your body to gradually adjust to the lower dosages of suboxone. You will reduce your dose by twenty-five percent every week to ten days. This means that, if you're taking a higher dosage of suboxone, it can take some time to fully complete the course. However, since it allows for a more gradual adjustment to the dosage changes, it can be easier for your body to adapt to it.
For more information, consult a resource for suboxone recovery in your area.