4 Advantages Of Temperature-Scanning Kiosks
As COVID-19 has become part of everyday life, many businesses have chosen to implement screening measures to reduce the spread of illness. Temperature screening is one way to keep your clients and employees healthy. The right tools, such as temperature-scanning kiosks, can help you screen visitors to your facility accurately and non-invasively. Here are four advantages of installing a temperature-scanning kiosk at your business, school, or public facility:
1. Easily screen people for COVID-19 and other transmittable diseases.
Temperature-scanning kiosks are an easy way to take the temperatures of customers, employees, and other visitors. Body temperature is a reliable method for detecting certain illnesses since fever is a defense mechanism against infections and pathogens. By installing temperature-scanning kiosks at your facility, you can prevent the spread of COVID-19, influenza, and many other communicable diseases. This can help you reduce the need for employee sick days while protecting the health and well-being of everyone.
2. Make temperature screening easy and comfortable.
Temperature-scanning kiosks are intuitive and easy to use. To register a temperature, a person must simply step up to the kiosk and center their face on the screen. Their temperature will then be checked using infrared technology, with no physical contact required. This can put people at ease who might otherwise be uncomfortable with another person taking their temperature. Temperature-scanning kiosks can detect a person's temperature in a matter of seconds, so people won't need to take excessive amounts of time out of their busy days.
3. Free up your employees' time.
Temperature-scanning kiosks are an excellent way to make the most of your employees' time. These kiosks can be operated by clients and customers without additional guidance, so you won't need to designate kiosk attendants. Temperature-scanning kiosks can be programmed to automatically open electronic locks. This is one way to allow healthy visitors to enter your facility while barring access to people who are running a fever.
4. Record or delete video and data as you see fit.
Temperature-scanning kiosks can perform their function without saving medical data. If you're concerned about the medical confidentiality of your employees and guests, you can set up your kiosk to perform scans without recording video. If you would like to have video for your records, you can turn on the recording function and alert people accordingly. This flexibility will allow you to utilize temperature-screening software in the way that best suits your business's needs and values.
For more information, contact a temperature-scanning kiosk supplier.