Abortion Arguments

Having a baby is a big commitment and should be known as such. Should you get pregnant, abortion is an option if you don't feel ready for a baby. There are of course those who believe otherwise. Read on to hear both sides of the argument. Pro-Life (against abortion) Most of the pro-life arguments are centered around the immorality of taking a human life. Those who are against abortion believe that from the moment of conception there is a human life within the womb. Read More 

Applying Therapeutic Ultrasound At Home

The therapeutic use of ultrasound to treat soft tissue injury and pain is now extending beyond the doctor's office, chiropractor's office, and physical therapy clinic. Clinicians often recommend ultrasound therapy as a treatment for sports injuries, upper back pain, rotator cuff pain, and arthritic knee pain. But if scheduling ultrasound therapy is inconvenient, evolving technologies in portable home ultrasound units and devices you can wear allow you to apply ultrasound treatment at home. Read More 

Don’t Let Yourself Hear “I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up” From Your Elderly Parent: Tips To Keep Them Safe

Approximately one-third of the elderly that are over 65 years old fall each year, and by the time they reach 80, this number increases to one-half. These numbers are likely much higher than this, however, as many people may not report their fall to a doctor or hospital. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to prevent your elderly parent from falling in their home. Follow the tips below, and you won't have to worry about getting that dreaded phone call. Read More 

Testing for Food Allergies and How to Manage Them

You notice that you develop a mild headache soon after you eat. Sometimes it's accompanied by an upset stomach. These can be signs of a food allergy. A visit to an allergy physician will narrow down the problem foods so you can avoid them and find substitutes. Here is what you need to know about food allergies and how to stop those annoying headaches. A Small Group of Foods Cause People Big Problems Read More 

Contact Lenses For Keratoconus Patients

The term keratoconus refers to an eye condition that occurs when the cornea is thinner than normal, and starts to bulge outward in a cone shape. As the cornea changes, it can deflect light as it enters the eye into the retina, and results in distorted vision. If you are dealing with keratoconus, you may have been told that you're not a good candidate for contact lenses. Thanks to new developments in contacts, there are now some options that should work for you. Read More