Could You Repeat That? 5 Signs That You Might Have A Hearing Problem

Hearing is something that you might take for granted. That is, until you start noticing changes in the way you hear the world around you. Hearing problems may begin with changes so subtle that you hardly notice them. You might not even think that the problems you're experiencing are related to your hearing at all. Take a look at the list below. If you've noticed any of these issues, you should have your hearing tested as soon as possible. Read More 

3 Excellent Benefits Of Portable Ultrasound Machines

As new technology emerges, along with it comes several amazing medical advances. One medical advance that shows a lot of potential is the portable ultrasound machine. This machine is a great deal smaller than any stationary ultrasound machine, and comes with several features and benefits.  This article will discuss three excellent benefits of portable ultrasound machines.  They Can Run On Battery Power One incredible thing about the portable ultrasound machines is the fact that they can run completely on battery power. Read More 

3 Questions to Ask Your OBGYN at Your First Visit

When you go into your OBGYN for your very first appointment, you likely have several questions. Since this appointment is longer and more thorough than a lot of your other appointments, it is an excellent time to ask a lot of your questions. Your OBGYN will be able to answer all of these questions to the best of their ability, and get you off to the right start with your pregnancy. Read More 

Improving Eczema Symptoms By Combining Psychological & Physical Therapies

It can be aggravating to a person dealing with eczema when people suggest that the disorder has a psychological foundation. Nevertheless, understanding how emotional factors influence eczema can help you improve your current symptoms and prevent or reduce the severity of future outbreaks.  Psychodermatology  The field of psychodermatology focuses on the connection between psychiatric factors and skin disorders such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema— the last of which is medically known as atopic dermatitis. Read More 

3 Things Every Parent Should Know About Compounding Pharmaceuticals

It is no big secret that pharmacists spend years studying various forms of medicine and how they interact with the human body. While most people are familiar with the work of a pharmacist's they are in the dark when it comes to compounded pharmaceuticals. As a parent, learning more about a compounding pharmacy and what they have to offer will be one of the most helpful things you could do. There are at least three reasons why you will want to have a better understanding of compounded medicine when you have children. Read More